/Thinking Day 22/2/08 and Hostess badge cameos
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ; 2:28 AM
Thanks to Amirah for taking all the photos for Thinking Day. (I trust her on her honour that she did not peek into my personal pics!!) I'm very proud of you all, especially to my Sec 3s who tried so hard for the Hostess badge test. To Beatrice and Huan Yin especially, who made me feel really comfortable when they asked me, "So how's teaching??" Haha..A good way to start the ball rolling. What do you think? I really like the invitation cards! Great job, girls. Here you go...

Rosanne, Melissa and JingHui telling Ms Krisnan why they ought to pass the Hostess badge test (on second thought, I really liked the Oreo Cheesecake!)

Ms Liza and the Sec 3s. So proud of them. They actually brought home made tea..and I am a BIG FAN of tea.

Thinking Day shots.. The girls seem to be smiling. I don't know why!
Very proud of Beatrice and Huan Yin. Instructed to hoist the school flag and the national flag for the first time, they did it with pride and gusto. Fast learners too. :)
/Welcome and overdue pics (CCA Orientation Fair)
; 1:43 AM
Dear everyone, Firstly, I wish to give credit to Grace and Eileen (2 very fun-loving girls from 3/2) for setting up this blog for our CCA. Thank you very much! =)
Sorry this took so long and for not starting on this earlier. Will be using this space to post up pics of our Company's activities and also for putting up Friday's programmes so you can alsways check back here to see what you have missed.
Okay, here goes.. Our CCA Orientation Fair on 10 Jan.. I only managed to take a few pics before all the teachers went for meeting. And everyone looks really nice! I've got to upload the pics for Thinking Day, Hostess badge test cameos and training camp(Ms Faeza and myself).. when I have time! =)
Ms Nah