Be Prepared!
Yuanting Huanyin Xinting Michelle Chloe felicia Link Link Link Link Link Link
March 2008 ; April 2008 ; January 2009 ; February 2009 ; March 2009 ;

Friday, February 6, 2009 ; 11:08 PM
hey gals =) how was thursday trainging ?
seriously i tink was ruin. we were supposed to play with ncc but we didnt plan anyting. nvm its okay.. as u all noe tt yuanting cried. seriously, u gals take our kindness for granted! we do not wan to treat u gals lyk how amirah treated us. if tt is de way u all wan to be? then juz let it be. we can be juz lyk wat amirah treated us. so tell mi do u all wan to suffer lyk how we did? must we reli scold u all then u all will listen up ? can u all be more discipline ? Cant u all juz whisper when u r toking or cant u all even stop toking for jzu a few mins? i nboe tt most of de sec 4s saw tis post ut i hope sec2s to sec4s read tis. if u all wan noe how terrible we had suffered we r willing to share with u all!
xo / Basecodes

BGSS Girl Guides 2009.
Be Prepared!
Miss Nurfaeza Rahmat
Miss Tan Ai Fen

We Consist Of
Company Leader:Tan Yuan Ting [4e3]
Assistant Company Leaders:Chay Huan Yin[4n1],Beatrice Tham[4n1]
Nurul Shahirah,Flower Pecker[4e2]
Chloe Tan,Mynah[4e1]
Loh Xin Ting,Oriole[4e3]
Felicia Tan,Kingfisher[4e3]
Siti Ayuni,Sparrow
& 6Patrol Second(s)

Tagboard codes here.